Geothermal Journey – Preparing for Installation

You have met with our Ground Loop Heating and Air Conditioning design team and discussed the geothermal journey regarding the cost of installing a new geothermal heating and cooling system in your Baltimore, MD home.

You must take three actions before we begin installing your system:

  • Approve your contract.
  • Provide an accurate scale plat plan or property survey.
  • Submit your deposit or financing approval.

After addressing those three items, you will receive a welcome packet with information about the process and rebates.

Installing a Geothermal Loop Beneath Your Baltimore, MD Property

Our first step is verifying the location of utilities, including setbacks from septic systems or property lines. For vertical loops, a driller will mark their future location with flags and ensure trucks can access your property.

We can submit a drilling permit to the county after we know where all utilities are and have flagged the proposed loop location.

The county typically approves the desired location within a few weeks. Depending on the county, time of year, how tight the property is, and urgency, that can mean as fast as one week or as long as eight weeks. We can pin down a more accurate schedule during our home visit.

Ordering Your Geothermal Equipment in Maryland

After applying for your permit, we will immediately order your geothermal equipment from WaterFurnace. The equipment usually arrives in three to five weeks. We also stock some units for emergencies.

Most homeowners install their geothermal systems proactively. Their current equipment continues to work as we prepare to install their new geothermal heat pump.

However, if your system has broken down, we want you to have options. If your heating and cooling system is inoperable, we can quickly install a geothermal system using a unit from our stock. Another furnace or air-source heat pump is not your only alternative.

How Long Does it Take to Install a Geothermal System?

We can install a horizontal geothermal loop immediately, and if we have your unit on hand, the new geothermal system can be up and running in a few days if necessary.

Vertical loops need more time for approval and drilling. Either way, you have peace of mind knowing you are working with one of the top geothermal companies in the country. We bring expertise and hands-on experience to every job.

If your current heating and cooling system is operational and there is no emergency, ordering your new system is the final step before installation. The preliminary work is complete.

Geothermal Journey - Installing Your Heating and Cooling System in Maryland

Our Ground Loop Heating and Air Conditioning team will guide you through the installation, as you take the final steps in your geothermal journey. We will keep you apprised of our progress both below and above ground. You can ask us questions or voice any concerns whenever we are onsite or by calling us at 410-836-1706.

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